TEDX Talk Tune-up

Congratulations, you've landed your first TEDX Talk! Or perhaps you're trying to get a speech ready to pitch an appearance on a TEDX stage. 

Now You Need to Make Sure It's the Absolute Best It Can Possibly Be

You know that being a TEDX speaker can provide you significant credibility for potential future events. It can also lead to referrals for future paid speaking engagements. That's why it's critical you knock the socks of the audience when you have the opportunity to deliver your first TEDX Talk.

So, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have any pet phrases I'm overusing in my speech?
  • Do my stories really help make my message hit home?
  • Is my speech the proper length when it's being delivered to someone else?
  • Will the audience find any humor I'm using in my speech funny?

It is so important that you bring in someone else to help you improve that speech. Someone who's heard thousands of speakers in his 25+ year career in the speaking industry and will give you that unbiased 3rd party perspective of your talk -  before you deliver it on stage. Someone to help you hone your message to be as impactful it can be. Someone to help you put that polish on that gem of a speech that you want to deliver.

Hi, I'm Bret Ridgway, that 25+ year speaking industry veteran, founder of Speaker Fulfillment Services, host of the Spotlight on Speaking Show podcast and 8-time author including Amazon bestsellers "ABCs of Speaking" and "How to Build a Profitable Speaking Business."

I'm excited to introduce to you my program - the TEDX Talk Tune-up.

Here's how it works:

  1. You'll deliver your speech to me online and we'll record it.
  2. You'll get some initial input from me on the spot.
  3. Then I'll go over the recording again along with the written copy of your speech you'll send me.
  4. You'll be provided with my detailed written suggestions on how your speech could be improved. I'll be looking at those things mentioned previously.
  5. After you've had time to absorb my input and make whatever changes you want to make to your speech we'll record it again and I'll have final comments for you.

How much is the TEDX Talk Tune-up? It's just a $397 investment to help you deliver the best TEDX Talk you can. Question is, are you willing to invest this small amount in yourself for what could be the most important speech you've ever delivered so far in your speaking career?

If the answer is yes then I encourage you to jump on the wait list for this new program. Simply enter your name and email address below to get the process started.