Author to Authority Podcast

So nice to chat with someone else who “gets it” when you’re talking about book publishing. Thanks to Kim Thompson-Pinder for having me on her “Author to Authority” Podcast recently. You can check out our conversation about common mistakes authors make by clicking here.

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Screw the Commute Podcast

Enjoyed swapping speaking industry war stories with Tom Antion on his “Screw the Commute” Podcast. Check out our conversation by clicking here.

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9 Key Elements of a White Paper

#1 Title – make it as attention grabbing as possible. #2 Abstract or Executive Summary – don’t assume they’ll get all the way to the end to read your conclusion. #3 Introduction – define the issue you’re covering and provide some background discussion. #4 Definition of the Problem – Identify thoroughly whatever business problem it…

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Positioning Your Brand in Today’s Competitive World

If you’ve been involved in marketing of a product or service for any length of time you’ve probably come across the phrase “Unique Selling Proposition (USP).” Some will know it as Unique Selling Point and others as Unique Value Proposition (UVP). By whatever name you know it by it essentially boils down to this –…

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8 Key Elements of a Speaker Sheet

8 Key Elements of a Speaker Sheet #1 Catchy benefit-focused title at the top of the page #2 Professional photo #3 Bio that describes you as a speaker #4 List of the titles of your talks #5 Paragraph descriptions or bullet point descriptions of each talk #6 A list of speaking clients #7 Up to…

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The 4 Key Parts of a Great Story

Part of being a popular speaker is the ability to share a great story. It’s how you connect with your audience. A good story has four parts: 1️⃣ The setup – who, what, when, and where. This is where you explain what’s going on and paint a visual picture. 2️⃣ The dilemma or problem –…

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Expecting Instant Book Success?

Expecting Instant Success With Your Book? We’ve all heard the phrase “overnight sensation” where someone, semmingly out of nowhere, emerges on the scene to big fanfare. What most fail to realize is that so-called instant success was a result of years of hard work that finally came to fruition. Most first-time authors have the expectation…

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